Membership Application

Council on America’s Military Past

Membership Application and Renewal Form

Welcome! Please fill out the information and mail it with your payment to the Membership Secretary at the address below. As a reminder, effective November 2017, the Journal of America’s Military Past and the Headquarters Heliogram are distributed electronically. Depending on your membership class, hard copies are available for no additional charge or for an additional $10/year.

Yes, I am interested in preserving, interpreting and sharing America’s military heritage and wish to join others who share my interest.

Note: For two or more years’ membership, subtract 10%. You will be billed annually the additional charge if you prefer hard copies of the publications.

Membership Classes

Payment Information

Please print and mail to membership secretary:

Vincent Rospond, Membership Secretary
1525 Hulse Road, Unit 1
Point Plesant, NJ 08742