About CAMP
The Council on America’s Military Past, USA, Inc. was founded in 1966 in Phoenix, Arizona as the Council on Abandoned Military Posts and chartered as a nonprofit educational association exempt from Federal taxes by Section 501(3)(c) of the Internal Revenue Code
Initially organized to identify, locate, preserve and memorialize the military installations and units that no longer serve the role for which they were created, mounting member interest soon included other subjects including soldier’s life and customs of service. The association was renamed the Council on America’s Military Past, USA, Inc. in 1981 to reflect those expanding membership interests.
Despite its initial location in the west, CAMP activities are nationwide and we have members in most states and territories and several foreign countries. Some members are federal and state agencies and their employees, including the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the National Archives and Record Service. Others are employees of preservation offices and historical societies, historians, writers, teachers, and history buffs. Not surprisingly, many members are or have been military officers and military historians.
Our Activities
We keep our members abreast of the latest matters in military history and preservation with two regular publications that have complementary objectives. The Headquarters Heliogram contains time sensitive articles about history preservation activities and the status of our military sites and museums. The Journal of America’s Military Past contains scholarly articles on American military history and biography, it often tells readers what it was like to be an American soldier, sailor or Marine from colonial times to the present day and typically describes where and how they live. Each publication comes out three time per year.
The Council on America’s Military Past invites others who share our interest in military installations and history to become members. Use the links to surf through our web pages and learn about the organization. Then go to the membership page to see how easy it is to join us in our efforts to preserve America’s military past. We also invite you to visit some of our links to other military history web sites.
Our Organization
Administration of the council is vested in a Board of Directors elected from and by members. They in turn elect the officers who make up the Executive Committee that conducts the organization’s business throughout the year. All officers and board members serve as unpaid volunteers and the Council has no paid employees. A general membership meeting takes place once a year.
Ann Todd, PhD
Dripping Springs, Texas
Nick Reynolds, COL USMCR (ret.), PhD
Vice President
Arlington, Virginia
Bridget Hart, JD
Kalispell, Montana
Marylou Gjernes
Silver Spring, Maryland
(also the officers)
Gordon Bliss
Dedham, Massachusetts
Dale Floyd
Charlottesville, Virginia
Donald Hall, COL USA (ret.), PhD
Silver Spring, Maryland
Wesley Moody, PhD
Orange Park, Florida
Mark Magnussen, LTC USA (ret.), MS, MEd
Olympia, Washington
Terry McGovern
McLean, Virginia
Christine Miller, DPM, PhD
St. Augustine, Florida
Vincent Rospond
Point Pleasant, New Jersey
502 N. Norwood Street
Arlington, VA 22203-2217